Commentaires Client

Note Moyenne

22 commentaires
Note: 4/5 Traduire


Commenté dimanche 3 avril 2016

Note: 4/5 Traduire

"I really like the bench and that's who I've given it a rating of good. But like other people have said, it arrived with the paintwork chipped and more of it is coming off. The bench is already going rusty! It's all well and good asking for feedback but you need to listen to it! So many people have said the same thing about this bench."

Commenté mercredi 17 juin 2015

Note: 4/5 Traduire

"The item was exactly as we expected."

Commenté mardi 26 mai 2015

Note: 4/5

"Très agréable à la vue, un seul hic, après une journée de pluie moyenne, des points de rouille sont apparus à la soudure de jointures des barres composant l'assise au jonc les supportant. Nuit à son élégance, dommage. Donc impératif de couvrir le banc d'une housse. J'espère que ce "souci" ne contaminera pas toutes les soudures rendant ce produit bien fragile pour le prix."

Commenté lundi 27 avril 2015

Note: 4/5 Traduire

"Just as we wanted. Easy to erect."

Commenté dimanche 19 avril 2015

Note: 4/5 Traduire

"Product arrived in good condition-no paint chips-easy to put together"

Commenté jeudi 10 juillet 2014

Note: 4/5 Traduire

"It's a beautiful bench, but the packing of it inside the box needs to be improved. Where some parts were rubbing against each other small areas of paint work have been scratched away. Individual protection of all the parts with bubble wrap would avoid this problem."

Commenté jeudi 26 juin 2014

Note: 4/5 Traduire

"BUT some irritating chipped paintwork on our bench and no time to return it before birthday. Will have to deal with it myself."

Commenté samedi 31 mai 2014